Trademark Watch

We monitor third party tries to register domain names that are identical or similar to your brand

Our Trademark Watch service offers an additional security layer to practive protection services.


Identical or similar brand

The surveillance includes similar terms and variants, like phonetic and orthographic similarities, prefixes and suffixes, plurals and abbreviations, etc.

Maximum accuracy

Our solutions identifies more than 99% of potential conflicts. That makes it one of the best techs available on the market.

No results limit

Unlike other providers, Trademark Watch does not limit the search results.

Relevance ranking

By means of a statistical analysis, the solution automatically defines a priority for each result that is based on potential conflictivity.

Global coverage

Choose the coverage that better respond to your business needs: specific countries, regions or global coverage.

Weekly reporting

You will recieve brand monitoring results every week.

Viability study

Want to register a trade mark?

Before applying for a trademark registration it is important to carry out a viability assessment that detects existing identical or similar trademarks that can cause conflict and, therefore, the application to be dismissed.

Competitors strategic surveillance

Additionally, the Trademark Watch service offers the possibility to monitor competitor’s brands for products and/or services that are about to be launched. This feature helps in strategic decision making since allows your business to be a step ahead of the competitors and identify key industry brands.

Talk to a trademark expert

Contact us to know if your brand is at risk

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