.barcelona domain
How to register and requirements

The .barcelona domain extensions gives visibility to the link between your brand and the city, as well as link your brand values with the ones related to the city.

The .barcelona domain names are given first-come, first-served, so don’t waste any time: register now your .barcelona domain before anyone does.

Why to register a .barcelona domain name?

  1. Invest in a social project. When you register a .barcelona domain you are participating in reducing the digital breach. Barcelona local government allocates the profits from .barcelona registrations to an educational project that empowers vulnerable groups.
  2. Link your brand to Barcelona’s image and values. Link your brand or online project to innovation, digital progress, entrepreneurship, social, collaborative and smart innitiatives Barcelona is known for, as well as other characteristics that make Barcelona a renowned city.
  3. Be on the digital map. When citizens and visitors look for something in or related to the city, they usually include the search term “Barcelona”. Having your .barcelona domain gives you positioning advantage on search results that can generate more traffic to your website.

Who should have a .barcelona domain?

The .barcelona domain extension is a great option for local projects, bloggers, businesses and brands from all Industries with local presence or focus in the City or want to promote their activity through the Barcelona brand.

Turisme and leisure

  • Museums, monuments and places of interest
  • Hotels, resorts and accomodations.
  • Bar, coffee shops and restaurants
  • Theaters and performance halls
  • Concerts, festivals and fairs
  • Transportation
  • Tours and tourist activities

Cultural start-ups, producers and businesses

  • Automotive
  • Design and gaming agencies
  • Publishing houses
  • Farms and winyards


  • Sport events
  • Sport teams
  • Harbours

First come, first served, what does it mean?

When a registry offers a domain under this premise of “the first one who asks gets it” means that a anyone can register your domain before you.

Therefore, for solid brands with strategic interest on the .barcelona or globally present and renowned brands it is considered a high risk domain and must be taken into consideration in their brand protection strategy.

This happens with all domains once they enter the general availability stage: you can request any domain, brands do not have priority access or any other advantage when registering it.

My domain is already registered, what should I do?

If a third party has already registered a .barcelona domain of your interest, first you must resolve whether your brand has legal rights over that domain name.

If your brand is trademarked and the domain name is relevantly linked to it, you will be able to dispute the ownership of the domain according to the litigation mechanisms established by the Registry. If this is your case, we recommend you to talk to our legal team with expertise on domain recovery.

¿What if my brand is not trademarked? The other option is to contact the owner of the .barcelona domain name and negotiate its purchase. It’s not an easy process, so we again recommend you our legal team advise.

Who can register a .barcelona domain?

Everybody can register a .barcelona domain: entities, businesses, individuals and public administrations that are connected in any way to the city or its area of influence.

This link can be of linguistic, touristic, cultural, commercial or any other nature as long as it will never be prejudicial to Barcelona. The link must exist in the moment of registration and while the domain is active.

The registration applicants must clearly indicate the intended use of the .barcelona domain. A false motive will be cause for the request and domain cancellation. Apart from that, there is no other requirement to register a .barcelona domain name.

Technical characteristcs

Duration 1 to 10 years
Renovation 1 to 10 years
Obtention Immediate
Domain length 3 to 63 IDN
characters(international characters)

Final recommendations

  • Work with a domain management provider like Ubilibet.com that can help you with your brand protection strategy to protect and block relevant domain names to your business. ¡It’s cheaper to protect digital assets than to recover them!
  • If the .barcelona domain of your interest is already registered by a third party, ask for legal advise from experts on domains like ours. They will help you to recover it.
  • If you want to register a .barcelona or any extensions available worldwide, work with with a registrar with capacity to register any existing domain name. Hint: ¡us!

Register or recover a .barcelona domain

Want to register a .barcelona domain name but don't know how? ¡We register all domains!

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