What is considered a premium domain?

In the crowded market of Internet domain names, premium domains have become a powerful tool of great commercial value. Below, we briefly outline how to determine if a domain is premium and ways to acquire one.

After overcoming the technical difficulties that posed a bottleneck in the early years of the Internet, in 2020, the number of registered domains on the web surpassed 365 million. Indeed, domain registration is so common nowadays that the challenge might be finding an available “good” name. This has led to categorizing certain domains as premium.

What exactly is a premium domain?

A premium domain name is a high-quality domain, meaning one with significant commercial value because it has the potential to become a popular web address or easily recognizable brand. For this reason, they are highly sought after, and the registration price is usually high. Sometimes additional fees are also applied to transfer or renew the domain.

Some examples of premium domains could be segurosdecoche.com or casasdevacaciones.es. Among the most expensive domains in history, we find business.com (sold for 345 million dollars), lasvegas.com (90 million dollars), or insurance.com (over 35 million dollars).

How can I know if a domain is premium?

There is no public list of premium domains available.

A domain is simply considered premium when the registry (the company or entity responsible for managing one or more domain extensions) or the owner (the organization or individual who registered it) believes it may be valuable—either because of its characteristics or because they know others may need it—and offers it for sale at a price higher than average.

However, some of the indicators that suggest a domain name is premium or may become premium are:

  • Solid top-level domain. The top-level domain (TLD) is the sequence of characters located after the last dot in the domain name. Mostly, premium names have one of the most well-known TLDs (.com or the relevant country code for the target audience).
  • Conciseness. Names that are too long or contain hyphens or punctuation are overly complicated and not easily remembered. Conversely, a premium domain is practical and concise, consisting of one or two words, as short as possible.
  • Generic value in a professional sector. Most of the major domain sales to date have been generic names that very clearly identified the business or activity. In 2018, for example, the domain ice.com was sold for 3.5 million dollars.
  • Keywords. Although Google has stated that it does not directly take into account keywords in domain names, generally speaking, domains containing search terms often fill the first page of results.

What advantages do premium domains have?

There are many investors who dedicate themselves to buying registered domains and selling them. The reason is that these premium domains have a series of qualities that make them highly sought after:

  • More appeal. Since they are short and representative names ending with some of the most common extensions, they are very easily remembered and give a brand image. They are, therefore, an unbeatable way to advertise on the Internet.
  • More intuitive and accessible. The first thing we all do when we want to find something on the Internet is to type the main word that defines that topic, service, or product into the browser. If we find a page with that name, we are likely to visit it. That is, this type of domain is more easily found and, consequently, attracts more traffic.
  • Authority. Two elements that have an unquestionable effect on the positioning of a web page are the age and authority of the domain. In this sense, buying a domain with a proven track record can save months or even years in SEO efforts.

How can I buy a premium domain?

Unlike regular domains (called primary registration because no one has used them before), premium domains have already been purchased, so it’s actually a resale. Some belong to a registry, while others belong to companies or individuals.

The first step, therefore, is to consult a trusted registrar agent, as registries sell premium domains through accredited agents. Most of these registrar agents lease the domains temporarily, but in some cases, they also offer domain trading platforms and even organize domain auctions.

If a domain cannot be reserved through a registrar agent, you need to locate the owner and reach an economic agreement to transfer it. Often, the most effective and cost-efficient way to register a premium domain is to hire a specialized service. A good domain broker should have a deep understanding of the secondary market, be an expert in appraisals, and have extensive experience in negotiations.

How much is a premium domain worth?

Not all premium domains are worth the same: the price is set by the owner based on the extension, length, keywords, and other factors. The most in-demand ones have been sold for millions, while others have reached thousands of euros.

Ubilibet helps you buy registered domains.

Get in touch with Ubilibet if you want to buy a registered domain. Our experts will take care of the entire negotiation and purchase process: we will identify the owner, negotiate with them, and strive for the most advantageous price for you. Additionally, to prevent the seller from setting an exorbitant price, we hide your identity, even after completing the transaction.

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